Le questionnaire : April March

aprilmarch Le questionnaire : April March

A l'occasion de la sortie de l'album d'April March en compagnie des toulousains d'Aquaserge, la demoiselle répond au questionnaire... Et en anglais dans le texte !

A year : 2013
A hero : James Baldwin
A Town : Vinal Haven, Maine
A Movie : Three Women by Robert Altman
A book or a comic : Sentimental Journey's by Joan Didion
An event / An historic date : The Big Bang
An historic character : Minerva
A souvenir : A ticket
An object : A pencil
A dish / A receipe : Popovers
A quality : Real
A smell : Gardenia
A sound : A fog horn
A dream : The end of the computer age
A team or a sportsman : The Blue Strikers
A website : www.wnyc.org
A group, musician or singer : Julie Delpy
An album : Carson McCullers Reads From The Member of The Wedding and Other Work LP on MGM Label (If anyone has a copy, let's trade!)
A label : Freaksville
A wish : Aloha

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